Webinar: The U.S. Culture Collection Network – A central resource for microbe culture collections and their users

December 14, 2023
December 14, 2023




Created in 2012, the NSF-founded U.S. Culture Collection Network (USCCN) brings together scientists working with collections of living microbes.

During its first phase (2012-2020) the network engaged the U.S. culture collection community through meetings, webinars, and site visits and produced publications and position papers to support the safe and responsible utilization of microbial resources.

Now in its second phase (2022-2027), USCCN is working on expanding its scope and reach by building relationships with current and new sources of culture and living collections and by engaging scientists across multiple disciplines to work toward addressing challenges and needs shared by all microbial collection managers and users.

In particular, USCCN is currently developing a registry of U.S. microbe collections – an easily accessible and searchable database of plant associated, microbial culture collections from universities and government agencies worldwide. The goal of this registry is to facilitate a greater access to collections of all types.

Join us for this webinar to learn about USCCN activities, how you can get involved in the network and how USCCN can help you increase the visibility and access of your culture collections.


  • Dusti Gallagher, USCCN Project Manager


  • Rick Bennett, University of Kentucky, USCCN Steering Committee member
  • Neha Potnis, Auburn University, USCCN Steering Committee member
  • Kirk Broders, curator of the USDA-ARS Culture Collection (NRRL), USCCN participant
