Collaboration for Plant Pathogen Strain Identification (CPPSI)

May 23, 2024

Collection Website

Organizational structure

Government Agency, Academia, Industry

Collection Institution/Entity


Collection Contact

Kelley Clark

Position of Collection contact

Director, CPPSI

Collection Email

Collection Phone


Collection can be contacted


  • Has continued institutional support
  • Interested in Culture Collections Exchange
  • Interested in working with samples from different repositories
  • Interested in Collaborative Programs
  • Collection contains reference strains
  • Ability to accept orphan collections
  • Collection contains sequencing data

Collection Category

Publicly available (qualified curator, collection management policies, microbial specimens, a database of collection information, an online strain catalog, and distributes strains to the scientific community)

Collection follows best management practice guideline

None of the Above

Organisms in Collection

Fungi, Bacteria, Oomycetes, Plant viruses

Reference strains in collection

The CPPSI collection consists of reference plant pathogen strains or races that were selected and validated as industry standards by the vegetable seed industry. These standards are used when phenotypically validating breeding material to be resistant to a race or strain of a given pathogen. CPPSI also develops and maintains a collection of differential host seed to differentiate these reference plant pathogen strains/races based on known susceptible or resistant responses.

Training opportunities provided by Collection

Does not provide training

Funding Sources for Research performed with Collection specimens

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Vegetable seed industry

Availability and distribution mechanisms

No charge for distribution (shipping may be charged), Fee per strain for distribution

Services provided by Collection


Consultations provided by Collection

Propagation, Each pathogen in the collection is connected to an informative white paper detailing the associated plant disease, culture preparation, inoculation procedures, and disease symptom evaluation. This information is publicly available on the CPPSI website. Individual consultation can also be provided by contacting the CPPSI Director.

Genus in Collection

Host Associations in Collection


Research fields relevant to Collection

Agriculture, Plant pathology

Species in Collection.

Name (Genus & Species) Number of strains Isolation Date Isolated from Geographic origin: Country Geographic origin: Region/State
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis 3 US
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. niveum 2 US
Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV) 4 US
Paprika mild mottle virus (PaMMV) 1
Pepper mild mottle virus (PMMoV) 2
Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) 1