Alan Emanuel Silva Cerqueira
The University of Texas at Austin
Alexander Vasilenko
Alison Harrington
University of Michigan Herbarium
Alyssa Deever
Ohio State University (Bacillus Genetic Stock Center)
Anand Archana
San Francisco State University
Andrew Crawford
Museo Historia Natural C.J. Marinkelle, Universidad de los Andes
Andrew J. Crawford
Universidad de los Andes
ashraf Ismail
McGill University
Beatriz Ortiz-Santana
USDA Forest Service, Center for Forest Mycology Research
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Daniel Brown
University of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine
David Nobles
UTEX Culture Collection of Algae, The University of Texas at Austin
Debashish Sarkar
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
Diego Gutierrez Castillo
Colorado State University
Diego Soler-Tovar
Universidad de La Salle
Edward Dudley
The Pennsylvania State University
Elizabeth Rogers
Erin Ehmke
Duke Lemur Center
Fiama Guevara
The Ohio State University
Gillian Bergmann
University of California-Davis
Gwyn Beattie
Iowa State University
Harriet Wilson
Sierra Community College
Isako Di Tomassi
Cornell University and USDA-ARS
James Bever
University of Kansas
James Scott
UAMH Culture Collection
Jason Stajich
UC Riverside
Jean Ristaino
NC State University
Jeffrey Newman
Lycoming College
Kari Wolff
BioWest Ag Solutions
Kathy Lawrence
Auburn University
Kyria Boundy-Mills
Phaff Yeast Culture Collection, UC Davis
Lamprinos Frantzeskakis
Bayer Crop Science
Lindsey Burbank
USDA, Agricultural Research Service
Mark Lyte
Iowa State University
Matthew Ryan
CAB International
Md. Mynul Islam
Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute
Michael Daley
Michael Lomas
Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences
Mustafa Jibrin
Oklahoma State University
Natalia Shcherbik
Rowan University, SOM
Neha Potnis
Auburn University
Oleg Rouvinski Vasilieva
Northeastern University
Paul Dunman
University of Rochester School of Medicine
Philip Harmon
University of Florida and NPDN
Rick Bennett
University of Kentucky
Robert Price
National Gallery of Art
Sophie Lane
Crop Health and Protection Ltd. (CHAP)
Tara Rintoul
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Temidayo Elufisan
Centro de Biotechnologia Genomica Instituto Politecnicio Nacional Mexico
Timothy James
University of Michigan
Timothy Klein
UK Agri-Tech Centre
Victoria Knight-Connoni
Vincent Fischetti
Rockefeller University
Zachary Noel
Auburn University